What is SiO2? Important knowledge about SiO2.

  1. Definition of SiO2:

1.1 SiO2, commonly known as silicon dioxide. This chemical compound is a colorless and odorless crystalline solid, commonly found in nature as a major component of sand, quartz rocks, and many types of minerals.

1.2 SiO2 is a compound of silicon and oxygen, consisting of one silicon atom and two oxygen atoms.

1.3 The molecular mass of SiO2 is 60.08 g/mol. The molecular structure of SiO2 looks very similar to a triangular shape, with silicon in the middle and two oxygen atoms at the two ends.

1.4 SiO2 doesn’t form ions under standard conditions, but it can form SiO4^4- ions in strong acidic environment.

  1. Properties of SiO2:

2.1 SiO2 is a colorless, odorless crystalline solid. It is insoluble in water and most organic solvents, but can dissolve in hydrofluoric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions. The pH of SiO2 is nearly neutral.

2.2 SiO2 is very difficult to react with most other chemicals. However, it can form compounds with molten metals and react with hydrofluoric acid to form silicon tetrafluoride.

  1. There are not many common chemical equations with SiO2 due to its relatively unreactive characteristic.

  2. Preparation of SiO2:

4.1 The preparation of SiO2 in the laboratory is usually done through the oxidation of silicon.

4.2 In industry, SiO2 is typically produced by melting sand with soda and coal, and then filtering to remove impurities.

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