The equation Fe2O3 + 3CO -> 2Fe + 3CO2

  1. Detailed information about the equation:
    This equation describes the process of reducing iron ore (Fe2O3) with carbon monoxide (CO) to produce iron (Fe) and carbon dioxide (CO2). This process takes place in a blast furnace, a key device in steel production.

  2. Reaction conditions:
    This reaction typically occurs at high temperatures (about 700-900 degrees Celsius). A large amount of carbon monoxide is required for the reaction to fully take place.

  3. Reaction process:
    Fe2O3 + 3CO -> 2Fe + 3CO2
    Iron ore reacts with carbon monoxide to form pure iron and carbon dioxide. The obtained pure iron is in molten form, which is extracted through the bottom of the blast furnace.

  4. Phenomena occur:
    When the reaction occurs, one can see molten iron flowing out from the bottom of the blast furnace. Along with this is the release of carbon dioxide gas (CO2), which can be recognized by the gas escape.

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