What is O3? Important knowledge about O3.

  1. Definition of O3

O3, also known as Ozone, is a special form of oxygen oxide. The English name of O3 is “Ozone”. Ozone is an oxygen molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms, with an atomic mass of 48. A unique feature of Ozone is that it is nonionic because it cannot accept or give away electrons to form ions.

  1. Properties: O3

O3 or Ozone is a gas with a pale blue color, which has a quite distinctive smell. The state of Ozone is gas at room temperature. The PH level of Ozone is not determined because it is not a liquid. In terms of chemical properties, Ozone is very strong and has the ability to oxidize almost all other substances.

  1. Common chemical equations of O3

Ozone participates in many different reactions. It can react with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts.

Example of metal reaction with Ozone: 2Al + 3O3 -> Al2O3 + 3O2
Example of acid reaction with Ozone: H2SO4 + O3 -> H2SO5 + O2
Example of nonmetal reaction with Ozone: P4 + 5O3 -> P4O10 + 5O2
Example of salt reaction with Ozone: 2KCl + 3O3 -> 2KClO3 + O2

  1. Synthesis of O3

Ozone can be synthesized in the laboratory from O2 or industrially from air. An example of the laboratory synthesis process is: 3O2 -> 2O3. In industry, Ozone is produced by passing a large amount of air through a special fluorescent lamp.

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