What is Fe3O4? The important knowledge about Fe3O4.

  1. Definition of Fe3O4
    Fe3O4, also known as magnetite, iron(II,III) oxide, or black iron, is a chemical substance belonging to the group of iron oxides. It’s English name is Iron(II,III) oxide. With a molar mass of 232, the iron and oxygen atoms in Fe3O4 form a molecular ratio of 2:3. Iron forms two different ions in this molecule, Fe2+ and Fe3+.

  2. Properties of Fe3O4
    Fe3O4 is a black, odorless solid. It has a neutral pH level. In terms of chemical properties, Fe3O4 is insoluble in water and dilute acid. It has strong magnetic properties.

  3. Common chemical equations with Fe3O4
    Reaction with metal: Fe3O4 + 4Al -> 3Fe + 2Al2O3
    Reaction with acid: Fe3O4 + 8HCl -> 2FeCl2 + FeCl3 + 4H2O
    Reaction with Oxygen: 3Fe + 4O2 -> Fe3O4

  4. Synthesis of Fe3O4
    Laboratory synthesis: When iron is heated in air, it reacts with oxygen to form Fe3O4.
    Fe + O2 -> Fe3O4
    Industrial synthesis: In industry, Fe3O4 is produced by heating iron ore in a furnace.

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