What is CO3? Important Knowledge about CO3.

  1. Definition of CO3
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: CO3 is commonly known as Carbonate.
    1.1.2 English name: Carbonate.
    1.2 Atomic mass: Carbonate consists of one carbon atom (C), atomic mass 12; and three oxygen atoms (O), each with an atomic mass of 16, totaling 60.
    1.3 Atomic weight: The average atomic weight is 60.
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: The carbonate molecule is structured with the carbon atom at the center, surrounded by three oxygen atoms at the vertices of an equilateral triangle.
    1.4 Ion structure: The carbonate ion (CO3^2-) is a polyanion with two negative charges.

  2. Properties of CO3:
    2.1 Physical properties of CO3
    State: Solid
    Color: White
    Smell: Odorless
    pH level: 7
    2.2 Chemical properties of CO3: Carbonate is an alkali, it can react with acid to form a salt and CO2.

  3. Common Chemical Equations for CO3
    Metal reaction: CO3 + 2Na -> Na2CO3 + Co
    Acid reaction: CO3 + 2HCl -> CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O
    Non-metal reaction: CO3 + F2 -> CF4 + O2
    Reaction with salt: CO3 + NaCl -> Na2CO3 + Cl2

  4. Synthesis of CO3
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of CO3: CO3 can be synthesized by reacting CaCO3 with HCl.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of CO3: CO3 is typically produced from the extraction and processing of limestone or dolomite.

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