The equation CuSO4 + NH2NH2 -> CuNH2NH2SO4

  1. Detailed information about the equation CuSO4 + NH2NH2 -> CuNH2NH2SO4:
    This chemical equation illustrates the synthesis reaction between Copper II sulfate (CuSO4) and hydrazine (NH2NH2), forming Copper Hydrazine Sulfate (CuNH2NH2SO4).

  2. Reaction conditions:
    This reaction usually occurs at room temperature and does not require any particular conditions.

  3. Reaction process:
    Initially, the Copper II sulfate (CuSO4) and hydrazine (NH2NH2) molecules interact, where the copper ion (Cu2+) provided by CuSO4 combines with the hydrazine ion from NH2NH2 to form a copper hydrazine complex. This then combines with the sulfate ion (SO42-) to form Copper Hydrazine Sulfate (CuNH2NH2SO4).

  4. Phenomena occurring:
    When the reaction occurs, the mass of the initial mixture decreases and a new solid appears with the characteristic blue color of copper compounds.

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