What is BaSO3? Important knowledge about BaSO3

  1. Definition of BaSO3
    BaSO3, commonly known as Barium Sulfite, is a chemical compound consisting of barium (Ba), sulfur (S), and oxygen (O) atoms. The molar mass of BaSO3 is 217.39 g/mol. The BaSO3 molecule is constructed from Ba2+ ions and SO3 2- ions.

  2. Properties of BaSO3
    2.1 Physical properties of BaSO3: It is a solid substance, white in color, odorless, with a neutral PH level.
    2.2 Chemical properties of BaSO3: It is insoluble in water. In moist air, it can convert to Barium sulfate (BaSO4). It easily converts to Barium sulfate when exposed to acid.

  3. Common chemical equations involving BaSO3
    Acid reactions: BaSO3 + 2HCl -> BaCl2 + H2O + SO2
    BaSO3 + H2SO4 -> BaSO4 + H2O

  4. Preparation of BaSO3
    4.1 Laboratory preparation of BaSO3: BaSO3 can be prepared by reacting Barium sulfate with excess sulfur gas when heated.
    4.2 Industrial preparation of BaSO3: Industrially, Barium sulfite is often produced through the compound process of sulfur with Barium sulfate.

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