What is Ba(ClO4)2? Important knowledge about Ba(ClO4)2.

  1. Definition of Ba(ClO4)2

Ba(ClO4)2, also known as Barium Perchlorate in English, is a chemical substance with the molecular formula Ba(ClO4)2. The molecular structure consists of one Barium atom (Ba) and two Perchlorate ions (ClO4-). The atomic mass of Barium is 137.33, of Chlorine is 35.45 and of Oxygen is 16.00. Therefore, the atomic mass of Ba(ClO4)2 is 137.33 + 2(35.45 + 4*16.00) = 431.23.

  1. Properties of Ba(ClO4)2

2.1 Physical properties of Ba(ClO4)2: Ba(ClO4)2 is a solid, colorless, odorless substance that is insoluble in water. The PH of Ba(ClO4)2 in water is neutral.
2.2 Chemical properties of Ba(ClO4)2: Ba(ClO4)2 is very flammable and can explode when in contact with combustible materials, strong oxidizing agents or strong acids.

  1. Common chemical equations of Ba(ClO4)2: The specific reaction of Ba(ClO4)2 depends on the reaction conditions and other chemicals it reacts with. However, some common reactions are reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals and salts.

  2. Synthesis of Ba(ClO4)2

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Ba(ClO4)2: Ba(ClO4)2 is usually not synthesized in the laboratory due to its flammable and explosive properties.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Ba(ClO4)2: In industry, Ba(ClO4)2 is usually synthesized from the reaction between Barium Chloride (BaCl2) and Sodium Perchlorate (NaClO4).

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