What is Rh? Important knowledge about Rh.

  1. Definition of Rh
    Rh, also known as Rhodium, symbolized in chemistry as Rh, is a chemical element that belongs to the transition metals group in the periodic table. In English, Rhodium is called “Rhodium”. The atomic mass of Rhodium is 102.91. The molecular structure of Rhodium is usually monatomic, meaning it only includes one atom. Rhodium ions are commonly in the form of Rh3+.

  2. Properties: Rh
    Rhodium has characteristic physical and chemical properties. Physically, Rhodium is solid at standard conditions, is silver-white in color and odorless. Rhodium is insoluble in water and has no pH level. Chemically, Rhodium is very stable, does not react with air, water and most other chemicals, but it can react with strong acids.

  3. Common chemical equations:
    Rhodium does not react with metals, weak acids, non-metals and salts under standard conditions. However, Rhodium can react with strong acids like chloride compounds to form Rhodium(III) chloride.

  4. Synthesis of Rh
    The synthesis of Rhodium is very difficult due to its chemical stability. In the laboratory, Rhodium is usually synthesized from its compounds, such as Rhodium(III) chloride, using complex methods such as chemical reactions or electrolysis process. In industry, Rhodium is produced from ores containing it, through processes of heat treatment and chemical distillation.

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