What is SrBr2? Important knowledge about SrBr2.

  1. Definition of SrBr2
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: Strontium Bromide
    1.1.2 English name: Strontium Bromide
    1.2 Atomic mass: SrBr2 consists of 1 Strontium (Sr) atom and 2 Bromine (Br) atoms.
    1.3 Molecular mass: The sum of the masses of Strontium and Bromine in one SrBr2 molecule.
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: The SrBr2 molecule consists of 1 Sr2+ ion and 2 Br- ions.
    1.4 Ion formation: SrBr2 forms Sr2+ and Br- ions when dissolved in water.

  2. Properties of SrBr2
    2.1 Physical properties of SrBr2
    State: Solid at room temperature.
    Color: White or pale yellow.
    Odor: No characteristic odor.
    PH level: The pH of SrBr2 solution is 7 (neutral).
    2.2 Chemical properties of SrBr2: SrBr2 reacts with H2O to produce Br2 and Sr(OH)2.

  3. Common chemical equations involving SrBr2
    Metal reaction: No specific examples.
    Acid reaction: SrBr2 + 2HCl -> SrCl2 + 2HBr.
    Non-metal reaction: SrBr2 + F2 -> SrF2 + Br2.
    Reaction with salt: SrBr2 + Na2CO3 -> SrCO3 + 2NaBr.

  4. Preparation of SrBr2
    4.1 Laboratory preparation of SrBr2: Sr + Br2 -> SrBr2.
    4.2 Industrial preparation of SrBr2: Prepared from Br2 and Sr in an Ar gas environment at high temperature.

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