What is Sr4S3? Important knowledge about Sr4S3.

  1. Definition of Sr4S3:

Sr4S3 is the chemical formula for a substance known as Strontium Sulfide. It is an inorganic compound consisting of 4 strontium (Sr) atoms and 3 sulfur (S) atoms.

1.1 Names:
1.1.1 Common name: Strontium Sulfide.
1.1.2 English name: Strontium Sulfide.

1.2 Atomic composition: 4 strontium atoms and 3 sulfur atoms.

1.3 Atomic mass: Each strontium atom has a mass of 87.62 amu, each sulfur atom has a mass of 32.06 amu. Therefore, the mass of Sr4S3 is 4 x 87.62 + 3x32 -> .06 = 428.52 amu.

1.4 Ion structure: Sr4S3 consists of Sr2+ ions and S2- ions.

  1. Properties of Sr4S3:
    2.1 Physical properties of Sr4S3: Sr4S3 typically appears as a white or pale yellow powder, is odorless and does not dissolve in water.
    2.2 Chemical properties of Sr4S3: Sr4S3 reacts with acids to form strontium salts and sulfur gas.

  2. Common chemical equations involving Sr4S3: Sr4S3 + 6HCl -> 4SrCl2 + 3H2S.

  3. Synthesis of Sr4S3:
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Sr4S3: Heating strontium and sulfur at high temperatures to form Sr4S3.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of Sr4S3: Heating strontium and sulfur in an air environment to produce Sr4S3.

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