What is Sr3N2? Important knowledge about Sr3N2.

  1. Definition of Sr3N2

Sr3N2, also known as Strontium Nitride, is a compound of Strontium and Nitrogen. In English, it is called Strontium Nitride. This compound comprises 3 Strontium atoms (Sr) and 2 Nitrogen atoms (N), with a total molecular weight of 321.53 g/mol. In this compound, Strontium carries the ion form Sr2+, while Nitrogen carries the ion form N3-, making up an ionic compound.

  1. Properties of Sr3N2

2.1. Sr3N2 is a solid, stable, and sturdy compound, colorless and odorless. It does not dissolve in water and does not possess acidic or basic properties (pH = 7).

2.2. The chemical properties of Sr3N2 include the ability to react with water to produce hydroxides and ammonia, or to react with acids to produce salts and ammonia.

  1. Common chemical equation of Sr3N2

Sr3N2 can react with water according to the equation: Sr3N2 + 6H2O -> 3Sr(OH)2 + 2NH3.

  1. Synthesis of Sr3N2

Sr3N2 is commonly synthesized through the thermal decomposition of Strontium and Nitrogen, using high temperatures (around 600 degrees Celsius) in a sealed furnace. In practical situations, industrial production of Sr3N2 requires strict control of the thermal process to avoid material losses and ensure product quality.

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