What is Sr2Cr2O7? Important knowledge about Sr2Cr2O7.

  1. Definition of Sr2Cr2O7:
    Sr2Cr2O7 is also known as Strontium chromate. This is a chemical compound, consisting only of atoms of Strontium (Sr), Chromium (Cr), and Oxygen (O) in the ratio 2:2:7. The English name for this substance is Strontium chromate. The atomic mass of Sr is 87.62, Cr is 52 and O is 16. Therefore, the molecular mass of Sr2Cr2O7 is 287.62+252+7*16=372.24. The molecular structure of Sr2Cr2O7 can be described by its chemical formula, in which two Sr atoms are linked to two Cr atoms via seven O atoms.

  2. Properties of Sr2Cr2O7:
    2.1 Physical properties: Sr2Cr2O7 is solid at room temperature, yellow in color, and has no distinctive odor. It does not evaporate at normal temperatures, is insoluble in water, and has a neutral PH.
    2.2 Chemical properties: Sr2Cr2O7 is not easily reactive with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts. However, it can react when heated or when in contact with strong oxidizing agents.

  3. Chemical equation: There is no characteristic chemical reaction of Sr2Cr2O7 with metals, acids, nonmetals, or salts.

  4. Preparation of Sr2Cr2O7:
    4.1 Laboratory preparation: There is no method of preparing Sr2Cr2O7 in the laboratory because it is not common and not easy to prepare.
    4.2 Industrial preparation: Sr2Cr2O7 is not usually produced on an industrial scale because it does not have widespread applications in industry.

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