What is Sr2B4O7? Important knowledge about Sr2B4O7.

  1. Definition of Sr2B4O7
    Sr2B4O7, also known as Strontium borate, is an inorganic compound containing Strontium, Boron, and Oxygen atoms. It is represented by the chemical formula Sr2B4O7, meaning that each Sr2B4O7 molecule contains 2 Strontium atoms, 4 Boron atoms, and 7 Oxygen atoms. The molar mass of Strontium borate is 439.52 g/mol. The ionic structure of Sr2B4O7 includes Sr2+ ions and [B4O7]2- ions.

  2. Properties of Sr2B4O7
    Sr2B4O7 typically appears as a white, odorless powder, insoluble in water and able to withstand high temperatures. Its PH value is not determined due to its water insolubility. Its chemical properties include its ability to react with strong acids to form other compounds.

  3. Common chemical equations involving Sr2B4O7
    Sr2B4O7 does not easily react with metals, salts, or nonmetals. However, it can react with strong acids such as HCl:

Sr2B4O7 + 2HCl -> 2SrCl2 + 2B(OH)3 + H2O

  1. Synthesis of Sr2B4O7
    Sr2B4O7 is typically synthesized in the laboratory through the reaction between Strontium carbonate (SrCO3) and Boric acid (H3BO3) according to the equation:

SrCO3 + 2H3BO3 -> Sr2B4O7 + CO2 + 3H2O

On an industrial scale, it can be produced by melting Strontium carbonate with Boric acid at high temperatures.

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