What is Sr(ClO4)2? Important Knowledge about Sr(ClO4)2

  1. Definition of Sr(ClO4)2

Sr(ClO4)2, also known as Strontium Perchlorate, is a salt of Strontium and Perchloric acid. It consists of a Sr2+ ion and two ClO4- ions. The atomic mass of Strontium is 87.62 and that of Perchlorate is 99.45, therefore the molar mass of Sr(ClO4)2 is 286.52 g/mol. It is composed of one Strontium atom, eight Oxygen atoms, and two Chlorine atoms.

  1. Properties: Sr(ClO4)2

Sr(ClO4)2 is a colorless, odorless solid. Its pH when dissolved in water is neutral. In terms of chemical properties, it is soluble in water and can decompose at high temperatures, producing harmful Perchlorate gas.

  1. Common chemical equations with Sr(ClO4)2

Sr(ClO4)2 is not commonly used in reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, or salts, due to its toxicity. However, it can participate in oxidation reactions.

  1. Synthesis of Sr(ClO4)2

Sr(ClO4)2 is typically not synthesized in the laboratory due to its toxicity. On an industrial scale, it can be produced through the reaction of SrCO3 with HClO4, however, this process requires strict control to avoid the risk of generating harmful Perchlorate gas.

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