What is Sr(ClO3)2? Important knowledge about Sr(ClO3)2.

  1. Definition of Sr(ClO3)2

Sr(ClO3)2 is known by the common name of strontium chlorate, the English name is also strontium chlorate. This is a chemical compound consisting of strontium (Sr), chlorine (Cl) and oxygen (O) atoms. The atomic mass of Sr is 87.62, the atomic mass of Cl is 35.45, and the atomic mass of O is 16.00. Therefore, the atomic weight of Sr(ClO3)2 is 266.52 g/mol. This molecule is composed of strontium ion Sr2+ and two chlorate ions ClO3-.

  1. Properties of Sr(ClO3)2

Strontium chlorate is typically a solid, white, odorless substance with a neutral pH. Its chemical properties are primarily related to the strong oxidizing nature of ClO3-.

  1. Common chemical equations with Sr(ClO3)2

Sr(ClO3)2 often participates in oxidation reactions when it reacts with reducing compounds:

Sr(ClO3)2 + 2KI -> 2KClO3 + SrI2

Sr(ClO3)2 + 2NaBr -> 2NaClO3 + SrBr2

  1. Synthesis of Sr(ClO3)2

Strontium chlorate can be synthesized in the laboratory from the reaction between strontium chloride and chlorate water:

SrCl2 + 2NaClO3 -> Sr(ClO3)2 + 2NaCl

Although not commonly used in industry, if necessary, the synthesis of Sr(ClO3)2 can be performed in a similar manner.

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