What is CaS2O3? Important knowledge about CaS2O3.

Unfortunately, there is no substance known as CaS2O3 in chemistry. The closest substance to this chemical formula is CaSO3 (Calcium sulfite) based on its atomic number and structure.

CaSO3 is commonly known as Calcium sulfite in English.

The molar mass of CaSO3 is 120.17 g/mol. This is the total mass of all the atoms in a molecule of CaSO3. Its ionic structure consists of a calcium ion Ca2+ and a sulfite ion SO3 2-.

In terms of properties, CaSO3 is a solid, white, odorless substance with a neutral pH. It has the ability to react with acids to form CO2 and salt.

The simplest preparation of CaSO3 is from the reaction of CaO with gaseous SO2. In industry, it is often produced as a by-product of the process of burning coal or oil.

Please note that the above information is for reference only and may not be 100% accurate as chemistry is a very complex field. Students should discuss with their teachers or chemistry experts for the most accurate information.

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