The equation Fe + 6H2O2 -> 2Fe2O3 + 6H2O

  1. Detailed information about the equation Fe + 6H2O2 -> 2Fe2O3 + 6H2O:

This equation describes the oxidation process of iron (Fe) by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to form iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3) and water (H2O). This is a redox reaction, in which iron is oxidized from the oxidation state of +2 to +3, and hydrogen peroxide is reduced from an oxidation state of -1 to -2.

  1. Reaction conditions:

This reaction requires temperature and light to occur. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidant, so care must be taken when performing the reaction.

  1. Reaction process:

Fe + 6H2O2 -> 2Fe2O3 + 6H2O

Here, one molecule of iron reacts with six molecules of hydrogen peroxide to produce two molecules of iron(III) oxide and six molecules of water.

  1. Observed phenomena:

When the reaction occurs, the iron will gradually dissolve in the hydrogen peroxide solution and the color of the solution will change from transparent to reddish yellow due to the formation of iron(III) oxide. At the same time, there may be visible bubbles of H2O (especially when the reaction occurs at higher temperatures) due to the release of water.

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