What is Ca2MoO6? Important knowledge about Ca2MoO6.

  1. Definition of Ca2MoO6:

Ca2MoO6, also known as Calcium Molybdate, is a chemical substance with the chemical formula Ca2MoO6. In this name, “Ca” stands for Calcium, “Mo” for Molybdenum, and “O” for Oxygen. Each Ca2MoO6 molecule consists of 2 Calcium atoms, 1 Molybdenum atom, and 6 Oxygen atoms. The atomic mass of calcium is 40, the atomic mass of molybdenum is 96, and the atomic mass of oxygen is 16. Therefore, the total atomic mass of Ca2MoO6 is 200.

  1. Properties of Ca2MoO6:

2.1. Physical properties of Ca2MoO6: Ca2MoO6 usually appears as a white, odorless powder. It exists as a solid at room temperature and is insoluble in water or ethanol. Its pH falls around 7, indicating it is a neutral substance.

2.2 Chemical properties of Ca2MoO6: Ca2MoO6 does not react with dilute acid, but it can react with stronger acids. It also does not react with metals, salts, or common non-metals.

  1. Common chemical equations involving Ca2MoO6:

Since Ca2MoO6 does not react much with other substances, there are not many chemical equations related to it.

  1. Synthesis of Ca2MoO6:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Ca2MoO6: Ca2MoO6 can be synthesized by reacting calcium salt with sodium molybdate in an aqueous solution.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Ca2MoO6: Industrially, Ca2MoO6 is typically produced by melting a mixture of calcium carbonate and sodium molybdate.

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