What is Ca2HAsO4? Important knowledge about Ca2HAsO4.

Ca2HAsO4, also known as calcium hydro arsenate or Calcium hydrogen arsenate in English, is a chemical compound containing calcium, hydrogen, arsenic, and oxygen atoms. Its atomic mass includes calcium with an atomic mass of 40.08, hydrogen with an atomic mass of 1.007, arsenic with an atomic mass of 74.92, and oxygen with an atomic mass of 15.999. The molecular weight of this compound is 301.02 g/mol.

The molecular structure of Ca2HAsO4 consists of two calcium ions, one hydrogen ion, and one arsenate ion consisting of one arsenic atom and four oxygen atoms. This molecule has a crystal structure.

The physical properties of Ca2HAsO4 include a white, odorless solid that does not dissolve in water and is not easily flammable. The chemical properties of Ca2HAsO4 include the ability to react with strong acids to produce toxic organic arsenic.

Ca2HAsO4 usually does not directly participate in chemical reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, or salts. However, it can produce other compounds through indirect chemical reactions.

Ca2HAsO4 is used in the preparation of various pesticides and herbicides. In the laboratory, it can be prepared from arsenic and calcium hydroxide in an acidic environment. In industry, it is usually produced from the reaction between arsenic trioxide and calcium hydroxide in an acidic environment.

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