What is Ca2Cr2O7? Important knowledge about Ca2Cr2O7.

  1. Definition of Ca2Cr2O7

Ca2Cr2O7 is the chemical formula of Calcium dichromate, a salt of Calcium and Dichromic acid.
1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Calcium dichromate
1.1.2 English name: Calcium dichromate
1.2. Atomic structure: 2 Calcium atoms, 2 Chromium atoms, and 7 Oxygen atoms.
1.3. Atomic weight: Ca2Cr2O7 has an atomic weight of 396.07 g/mol
1.3.1 Molecular structure: The molecule Ca2Cr2O7 consists of 2 Ca atoms bonded to 2 Cr atoms through 2 Cr-O-Ca bonds. Each Cr atom is also bonded to 3 different Oxygen atoms.
1.4 Ion structure: Ca2Cr2O7 ionizes into 2 Ca2+ ions and 2 (Cr2O7)2- ions.

  1. Properties of Ca2Cr2O7
    2.1 Physical properties of Ca2Cr2O7
    State: Solid
    Color: Orange-red
    Odor: Odorless
    PH value: Ca2Cr2O7 is an alkaline substance, with a pH > 7
    2.2 Chemical properties of Ca2Cr2O7: Ca2Cr2O7 has a strong oxidizing ability, and can react with many other substances.

  2. Common chemical equation of Ca2Cr2O7
    The reactions of Ca2Cr2O7 with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts need to be discussed in more detail because, depending on the specific conditions, Ca2Cr2O7 can react differently.

  3. Synthesis of Ca2Cr2O7
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Ca2Cr2O7: Ca2Cr2O7 can be synthesized from the reaction between CaO and K2Cr2O7.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of Ca2Cr2O7: In industry, Ca2Cr2O7 is commonly produced from the treatment of Chromium ore with Sulfuric acid and Calcium.

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