The equation Cu + 2Na2S2O3 -> CuS2O3 + 2Na2SO4

  1. Detailed information about the equation Cu + 2Na2S2O3 -> CuS2O3 + 2Na2SO4

The above chemical equation shows us the reaction between copper (Cu) and sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) will result in copper thiosulfate (CuS2O3) and sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). According to the reaction ratio, 1 mol of copper reacts with 2 mol of sodium thiosulfate will yield 1 mol of copper thiosulfate and 2 mol of sodium sulfate.

  1. Reaction conditions

The conditions for this reaction require sufficient amounts of copper and sodium thiosulfate as mentioned above. In addition, the reaction needs a mild acidic environment to proceed better.

  1. Reaction process

In the reaction process, copper reacts with sodium thiosulfate, then a redox phenomenon occurs, creating copper thiosulfate and sodium sulfate.

  1. Phenomena occurring

When the reaction occurs, we can see the phenomenon of the solution’s color changing. Initially, the sodium thiosulfate solution is transparent, after the reaction, the solution turns to the blue color of copper thiosulfate.

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