What is Mg2B4O7? Important knowledge about Mg2B4O7.

  1. Definition of Mg2B4O7

Mg2B4O7, commonly known as Magnesium borate, is a chemical compound consisting of 2 Magnesium (Mg) atoms, 4 Boron (B) atoms, and 7 Oxygen (O) atoms. The molecular weight of Magnesium borate is approximately 173.618 g/mol. Its molecular structure includes Magnesium ions and Borate ions bonded together.

  1. Properties of Mg2B4O7

2.1 Physical properties of Mg2B4O7: Under standard conditions, Magnesium borate is a solid, colourless, odourless substance with a neutral pH.
2.2 Chemical properties of Mg2B4O7: Mg2B4O7 has a high resistance to heat and chemicals, it does not dissolve in water and most organic solvents.

  1. Common chemical equations of Mg2B4O7

Due to its high stability, Magnesium borate does not easily participate in common chemical reactions.

  1. Synthesis of Mg2B4O7

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Mg2B4O7: In the laboratory, Magnesium borate can be synthesized by reacting Magnesium oxide (MgO) with borax (Na2B4O7·10H2O) at high temperature.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Mg2B4O7: On an industrial scale, Magnesium borate is usually produced from Magnesium oxide and Boric acid (H3BO3) in a furnace at high temperature.

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