What is Mg2MoO4? Important knowledge about Mg2MoO4.

  1. Definition Mg2MoO4
    Mg2MoO4, also known as Magnesium molybdate, is a colorless solid. It consists of two magnesium atoms, one molybdenum atom, and four oxygen atoms, forming a molecule. Its molecular weight is 200.3 g/mol. In the Mg2MoO4 molecule, each magnesium atom (Mg) gives one electron to the oxygen atoms to become the Mg2+ ion, while the molybdenum atom takes two electrons from the oxygen atoms to become the MoO42- ion.

  2. Properties: Mg2MoO4
    Mg2MoO4 is a colorless solid, with no particular smell and is insoluble in water. Its environment has a neutral pH. The chemical properties of Mg2MoO4 involve its ability to react with strong acids to form salts and other complex compounds.

  3. Common chemical equations involving Mg2MoO4
    Reaction with metal: Mg2MoO4 does not react with metals.
    Reaction with acid: Mg2MoO4 + 2HCl -> 2MgCl2 + H2MoO4.
    Reaction with non-metal: Mg2MoO4 does not react with non-metals.
    Reaction with salt: Mg2MoO4 does not react with salts.

  4. Preparation of Mg2MoO4
    The preparation of Mg2MoO4 is usually performed in the laboratory, by having magnesium react with molybdic acid. On an industrial scale, Mg2MoO4 is produced by heating a mixture of magnesium oxide and molybdenum oxide at high temperatures.

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