The equation Cu + 2H2S -> CuS2 + 2H2

  1. Detailed information about the reaction equation Cu + 2H2S -> CuS2 + 2H2:

    • The transformation equation describes the reaction process between copper (Cu) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The result of the reaction is the compound copper sulfide (CuS2) and hydrogen gas (H2).
  2. Reaction conditions:

    • The reaction usually occurs at room temperature or higher.
    • The copper must be in its pure form, not oxidized.
  3. Reaction process:

    • First, copper (Cu) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) will come into contact with each other.
    • Next, two atoms of hydrogen sulfide will react with one atom of copper, creating copper sulfide (CuS2).
    • Finally, hydrogen gas (H2) will be generated and released into the air.
  4. Observable phenomena:

    • When the reaction occurs, you can see the color of the copper-containing substance changing from red to black due to the formation of copper sulfide.
    • A quantity of gas (hydrogen) will be released into the air.

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