What is MgSO4? Important knowledge about MgSO4.

  1. Definition of MgSO4

MgSO4, also commonly known as Magnesium sulfate in English or Magie sulfat in Vietnamese. This is a chemical compound with the chemical formula MgSO4, containing one magnesium atom, one sulfur atom, and four oxygen atoms. The total atomic weight of MgSO4 is about 120.366 grams/mol. MgSO4 has a molecular structure formed from magnesium ions (Mg2+) and sulfate ions (SO42-).

  1. Properties of MgSO4

2.1 Physical properties of MgSO4: MgSO4 usually appears as white or colorless crystals, odorless, and has a slightly bitter taste. The state of MgSO4 depends on environmental conditions, usually solid under standard conditions. The pH of MgSO4 solution falls into the neutral range.

2.2 Chemical properties of MgSO4: MgSO4 can react with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts under appropriate temperatures or conditions.

  1. Common chemical equations of MgSO4

    Below are some common chemical reactions of MgSO4, such as reactions with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts.

  2. Preparation of MgSO4

4.1 Laboratory preparation of MgSO4: In the laboratory, MgSO4 can be prepared by combining magnesium with sulfuric acid.

4.2 Industrial preparation of MgSO4: On an industrial scale, MgSO4 is usually produced from dolomite or magnesite ores.

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