The equation Zn + CuO -> ZnO + Cu

  1. Detailed information about the Zn + CuO -> ZnO + Cuequation

The above chemical equation describes the chemical reaction between zinc (Zn) and copper(II) oxide (CuO) to form zinc oxide (ZnO) and copper (Cu).

  1. Reaction conditions

In order for the reaction to occur, high temperatures and the presence of oxygen are necessary. This is sometimes carried out in a chemical furnace with controlled temperature.

  1. Reaction process

When zinc is heated with copper(II) oxide in a chemical furnace, zinc reacts with copper(II) oxide to form zinc oxide and copper. Zinc, in the compound form Zn, acts on copper(II) oxide, in the compound form CuO, to form zinc oxide, in the compound form ZnO, and copper, in the compound form Cu.

  1. Occurrence phenomenon

When the reaction occurs, the color change of the mixture can be observed. Initially, the mixture’s color is black due to the color of copper(II) oxide. After the reaction, the mixture’s color will change to brown due to the color of copper, and white due to the color of zinc oxide.

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