What is Cs4Fe(CN)6? Important knowledge about Cs4Fe(CN)6.

Definition of Cs4Fe(CN)6

1.1 Cs4Fe(CN)6, also known as Cesium Ferrocyanide. Its name in English is Cesium ferrocyanide.

1.2 Cs4Fe(CN)6 consists of Cesium (Cs), Iron (Fe), and Cyanide (CN) atoms.

1.3 The total atomic mass of Cs4Fe(CN)6 is 458.392 g/mol. In terms of molecular structure, this salt includes 4 Cesium atoms, 1 Iron atom, and 6 Cyanide groups.

1.4 In Cs4Fe(CN)6, the Cesium ion (Cs+) and the Ferrocyanide ion (Fe(CN)6-)4- combine to form salt.

Properties of Cs4Fe(CN)6:

2.1 Physical properties: Cs4Fe(CN)6 is a solid, white, odorless, and has a neutral pH.

2.2 Chemical properties: Cs4Fe(CN)6 can react with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts.

Chemical equation:

  1. Since Cs4Fe(CN)6 is a quite complex salt, calculating its specific reactions with other substances such as metals, acids, non-metals, and salts requires a deep understanding of chemistry. However, a basic example is the reaction of Cs4Fe(CN)6 with strong acids in general will produce iron (II) cyanide and cesium ions.

Synthesis of Cs4Fe(CN)6:

4.1 In the laboratory, Cs4Fe(CN)6 can be synthesized from cesium chloride and iron (II) cyanide.

4.2 On an industrial scale, Cs4Fe(CN)6 is usually produced by reacting cesium hydroxide with iron (II) cyanide in an acidic environment.

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