What is Cs2SiO3? Important knowledge about Cs2SiO3.

  1. Definition of Cs2SiO3

Cs2SiO3, also known as Cesium metasilicate decahydrate, is a chemical substance with the molecular formula Cs2SiO3. Its English name is Cesium metasilicate. Cs2SiO3 consists of 2 Cesium (Cs) atoms, 1 Silicon (Si) atom, and 3 Oxygen (O) atoms. The molar mass of Cs2SiO3 is 325.917 g/mol. This substance does not form ions in solution.

  1. Properties of Cs2SiO3

2.1. Physical properties of Cs2SiO3: Cs2SiO3 is usually in the form of a powder or crystal and is colorless. The pH of the Cs2SiO3 solution cannot be determined as it does not form ions in solution.

2.2. Chemical properties of Cs2SiO3: This substance does not react with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts.

  1. Common chemical equations of Cs2SiO3

As Cs2SiO3 does not form ions in solution and does not react with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts, there are no examples of specific chemical reactions of this substance.

  1. Synthesis of Cs2SiO3

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Cs2SiO3: Cs2SiO3 cannot be synthesized in the laboratory due to its non-reactive properties.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Cs2SiO3: Cs2SiO3 is typically produced during silicon washing, where it forms as a by-product of this process.

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