What is Cs2CO3? Important knowledge about Cs2CO3.

  1. Definition of Cs2CO3:

Cs2CO3 is the chemical formula of the compound Cesium Carbonate. Cesium Carbonate is an inorganic compound with a molecular weight of 325.82 g/mol. This molecule consists of 2 Cesium ions (Cs+), one Carbonate ion (CO3-2). Thus, the individual weights of the elements in the molecule are Cesium: 132.91 g/mol, Carbon: 12.01 g/mol, and Oxygen: 16.00 g/mol.

  1. Properties of Cs2CO3:

2.1. Physical properties: Cs2CO3 is a solid, white, odorless substance with a neutral pH when dissolved in water.
2.2. Chemical properties: Cs2CO3 can react with acid to form salt and CO2. Additionally, it can react with alkali metals to form hydroxide and release hydrogen gas.

  1. Common chemical equations involving Cs2CO3:

3.1. Reaction with acid: Cs2CO3 + 2HCl -> 2CsCl + CO2 + H2O
3.2. Reaction with alkali metal: Cs2CO3 + 2Na -> 2Cs + Na2CO3

  1. Synthesis of Cs2CO3:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis: Cs2CO3 can be synthesized through the reaction between Cesium Hydroxide (CsOH) and CO2: 2CsOH + CO2 -> Cs2CO3 + H2O
4.2 Industrial synthesis: On an industrial scale, Cesium Carbonate is often produced from the synthesis of Cesium Chloride, followed by a reaction with Sodium Carbonate or Ammonium Carbonate.

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