What is Cs2S? Important knowledge about Cs2S

  1. Definition of Cs2S:

Cs2S is the chemical formula for caesium sulfide, also known as caesium monosulfide. In English, we call this substance “caesium sulfide”. It consists of two caesium atoms (Cs) and one sulfur atom (S). Each caesium atom has an atomic mass of 132.91 atomic mass units and the sulfur atom has an atomic mass of 32.06 atomic mass units. In the Cs2S molecule, caesium forms a Cs+ ion and sulfur forms an S2- ion.

  1. Properties of Cs2S:

2.1 Physical properties of Cs2S: This substance is a solid, white or light gray in color. It has no characteristic smell. The pH of Cs2S cannot be determined because it only dissolves in a solvent without creating this or that environment.
2.2 Chemical properties of Cs2S: Cs2S reacts strongly with water to create caesium hydroxide and hydrogen sulfide.

  1. Common chemical equations with Cs2S:

As mentioned above, Cs2S reacts strongly with water:
2 Cs2S + 2H2O -> –> 4 CsOH + H2S ->

  1. Synthesis of Cs2S:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Cs2S: Cs2S can be synthesized from the elements by melting caesium and sulfur together at high temperatures.
2 Cs + S -> –> Cs2S
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Cs2S: Currently, there is no specific information on the industrial production process of Cs2S published.

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