What is Cs2O? Important knowledge about Cs2O

  1. Definition of Cs2O:

1.1 Name: Cs2O or Cesium Oxide is a chemical compound that contains the elements Cesium (Cs) and Oxygen (O).

1.1.2 The English name for Cs2O is Caesium Oxide.

1.2 The atomic mass of Cs2O is 281.81 g/mol.

1.3 Atomic mass: Cesium has an atomic mass of 132.91 g/mol, Oxygen has an atomic mass of 16.00 g/mol. Therefore, the mass of a Cs2O molecule is 2×132.91 + 16.00 = 281.81 g/mol.

1.3.1 Molecular structure: Cs2O consists of 2 Cesium atoms and 1 Oxygen atom.

1.4 Ion structure: Cs2O forms ions Cs+ and O2-.

  1. Properties of Cs2O:

2.1 Physical properties of Cs2O: Cs2O is solid at room temperature. The color of Cs2O is white or pale yellow. Cs2O has no specific smell. The pH of Cs2O in water is strongly alkaline.

2.2 Chemical properties of Cs2O: Cs2O reacts very easily with water to form Cesium hydroxide (CsOH) and releases heat.

  1. Common chemical equations of Cs2O:

Metal reaction: Cs2O+C ->2Cs+CO2

Acid reaction: Cs2O+ H2SO4 -> 2CsSO4 + H2O ->

  1. Preparation of Cs2O:

4.1 Laboratory preparation of Cs2O: Cs2O can be prepared through the reaction between Cesium and Oxygen.

2Cs + O2 -> Cs2O

4.2 Industrial preparation of Cs2O: In industry, Cs2O is commonly prepared from the oxidation process of Cesium with Oxygen at high temperature.

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