What is CsBr? Important knowledge about CsBr

  1. Definition of CsBr

CsBr, commonly known as Cesium Bromide, in English is Caesium bromide. This is a chemical compound formed by two elements, Cesium (Cs) and Bromine (Br). The atomic mass of CsBr is 212.81 g/mol. This compound consists of one Cesium atom and one Bromine atom. In the environment, CsBr usually exists in the form of Cs+ and Br- ions.

  1. Properties of CsBr

2.1 Physical properties of CsBr: CsBr is a solid substance with white color, odorless and has a neutral PH level.

2.2 Chemical properties of CsBr: CsBr has the ability to react with many other substances such as metals, acids, nonmetals and salts. Some examples of CsBr reactions with these substances will be presented in section 3.

  1. Common chemical equations of CsBr

CsBr can react with metals, acids, nonmetals and salts. Examples of these reactions will be provided after further research.

  1. Synthesis of CsBr

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of CsBr: CsBr can be synthesized through the reaction between Cesium and Bromine. Other methods can also be used to synthesize CsBr and will be provided after further research.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of CsBr: In the industry, CsBr is usually produced from pollucite ore, which contains silicates of Cesium, and Bromine.

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