The equation Ge + 4H2SO4 -> Ge(SO4)4 + 4H2O

  1. Detailed information about the equation Ge + 4H2SO4 -> Ge(SO4)4 + 4H2O:

    • Ge is the chemical symbol of the element Germanium.
    • H2SO4 is the chemical formula of sulfuric acid or concentrated sulfuric acid.
    • Ge(SO4)4 is the chemical formula of germanium sulfate, a compound of germanium and sulfur oxide.
    • H2O is the chemical formula of water, also known as the final compound of the reaction.
    • The above chemical equation indicates that one molecule of Germanium reacts with four molecules of sulfuric acid to produce one molecule of germanium sulfate and four molecules of water.
  2. Reaction conditions:

    • This reaction takes place at high temperatures and requires the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid.
  3. Reaction process:

    • The element Germanium, when in contact with concentrated sulfuric acid at high temperatures, reacts to form germanium sulfate and water compound.
  4. Occurrences:

    • During the reaction, Germanium will gradually dissolve in the solution of concentrated sulfuric acid and create steam due to the very high reaction temperature.
    • Simultaneously, the solution will also produce gas bubbles due to the escape of steam.
    • Finally, the new compound formed, germanium sulfate, will be in solid or liquid form depending on the temperature and pressure of the reaction environment.

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