What is Rb2S2O7? Important Knowledge about Rb2S2O7.

  1. Rb2S2O7 is known as Rubidium Pyrosulphate in English. This is a compound of Rubidium (Rb), Sulfur (S), and Oxygen (O) with atomic ratios of 2, 2, and 7 respectively. The atomic weights of Rb, S, and O are 85, 32, and 16 respectively, so the molecular weight of Rb2S2O7 is 470 (2×85 + 2×32 + 7×16). In the molecule, 2 Rb+ ions are ionically bonded with the S2O7– ion.

  2. Rb2S2O7 is colorless and odorless. Its state at room temperature is solid, it is a strong alkali with a pH greater than 7. In chemical reactions, this substance reacts strongly with acids to produce heat and SO2 gas.

  3. Some common chemical equations involving Rb2S2O7 are:

  1. Rb2S2O7 is usually synthesized in the laboratory from other Rubidium compounds such as Rb2SO4 through chemical reactions. In industry, Rubidium and its compounds are often synthesized from the mineral Lepidolite, a common mineral containing Rubidium.

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