The equation Ga + 2H2O -> Ga2O3 + 3H2.

  1. Detailed information about the Ga + 2H2O -> Ga2O3 + 3H2equation
    The chemical equation above describes the reaction process between the Gallium metal (Ga) with water (H2O), generating Gallium trioxide (Ga2O3) and Hydrogen gas (H2).

  2. Reaction conditions
    The necessary conditions for this reaction have not been clearly determined, but in general, reactions between metals and water usually require high temperatures, pressure, and either acidic or basic environments.

  3. Reaction process
    In the reaction process, Gallium metal reacts with water to create Gallium trioxide and Hydrogen gas. Gallium trioxide can then react with water to produce Gallium hydroxide.

Ga + 2H2O -> Ga2O3 + 3H2

  1. Phenomenon occurs
    When the reaction occurs, you can notice the disappearance of the Gallium metal and the appearance of a new solid substance (Gallium trioxide). In addition, you can also observe the generation of Hydrogen gas, which can be tested by bringing it near a flame and the flame will flare up stronger because Hydrogen is a flammable substance.

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