What is B? Important knowledge about B.

Today, we will learn about Boron (B). Boron is the 5th chemical element in the periodic table, with the symbol B. Boron has an atomic mass of 10.81 and an atomic weight of 10.81 g/mol. Boron has a simple molecular structure, consisting only of one boron atom. The ion of boron usually takes the form B3+.

Properties: Boron is a non-conductive solid, black in color and odorless. The pH of boron is typically 7, relatively neutral. The chemical properties of boron are relatively complex. It can react with water, acids, and bases.

Common chemical reactions with boron:

  • Reaction with acid: 2B + 6HCl -> 2BCl3 + 3H2
  • Reaction with water: 2B + 6H2O -> 2B(OH)3 + 3H2
  • Reaction with hydrogen: 2B + 3H2 -> 2BH3

Preparation of Boron: In the laboratory, Boron is usually produced through the thermal decomposition of Borax (Na2B4O7). In industry, Boron is usually prepared from borate ores, through the process of smelting with carbon.

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