What is K2O7S2? Important knowledge about K2O7S2.

  1. Definition of K2O7S2

K2O7S2, also known as Potassium heptaoxodisulphate, is a chemical compound composed of two atoms of potassium (K), seven atoms of oxygen (O), and two atoms of sulfur (S).

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Potassium heptaoxodisulphate.
1.1.2 English name: Potassium heptaoxodisulphate.
1.2. Molar mass: 254.32 g/mol.
1.3. Molecular structure: K2O7S2.
1.4 Ion structure: There are two K+ ions and one (SO4)2- ion.

  1. Characteristics: K2O7S2

2.1 Physical properties of K2O7S2
State: Solid.
Colour: White.
Odour: Odourless.
pH: Not applicable.
2.2 Chemical properties of K2O7S2: It is mainly used as a strong bleach, strong reductant, and strong oxidant.

  1. Common chemical reactions of K2O7S2

The chemical reactions of K2O7S2 often involve oxidation or reduction processes. However, it should be noted that K2O7S2 does not always participate in chemical reactions.

  1. Synthesis of K2O7S2

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of K2O7S2: K2O7S2 is synthesized by preparing potassium persulfate (K2S2O8) from potassium bisulfate and then oxidizing it with excess oxygen.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of K2O7S2: In industry, K2O7S2 is usually produced by preparing potassium persulfate from potassium bisulfate and then oxidizing it with excess oxygen.

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