What is K2S2O7? Important Knowledge about K2S2O7

  1. Definition of K2S2O7

K2S2O7, also commonly known as Potassium Pyrosulfate in both Vietnamese and English. It is a chemical compound with a molecular mass of 254.34 g/mol. The molecular structure of K2S2O7 includes 2 potassium atoms (K), 2 sulfur atoms (S), and 7 oxygen atoms (O). In the formation of ions, there are 2 K+ ions and 1 (S2O7)2- ion.

  1. Properties of K2S2O7

2.1 Physical properties of K2S2O7
K2S2O7 is a solid, colorless and odorless substance. It has a neutral pH when dissolved in water.

2.2 Chemical properties of K2S2O7
K2S2O7 has strong oxidative properties, and can react with many other substances such as metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts.

  1. Common chemical equations involving K2S2O7
    K2S2O7 often participates in oxidation reactions, such as reactions with compounds containing the CH2OH group to form the COOH group.

  2. Synthesis of K2S2O7

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of K2S2O7
K2S2O7 can be synthesized from SO2 and K2S2O8 in an acidic environment, or from the decomposition of K2S2O8.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of K2S2O7
In industry, K2S2O7 is usually synthesized from the oxidation of K2SO4 with O2 in a high-temperature environment.

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