What is K2S2O6? Important knowledge about K2S2O6

  1. Definition of K2S2O6

K2S2O6, commonly known as Potassium persulfate or Dipotassium persulfate in English, is a chemical compound. This compound consists of two potassium atoms (K), two sulfur atoms (S) and six oxygen atoms (O). The molecular weight of K2S2O6 is 270.322 g/mol. The molecule of K2S2O6 includes two potassium ions K+ and one persulfate ion (S2O82-).

  1. Properties of K2S2O6

2.1 Physical properties of K2S2O6

K2S2O6 typically presents as white powder, with no distinctive smell. Its pH usually ranges from 2 to 4.

2.2 Chemical properties of K2S2O6

K2S2O6 is a strong oxidizer. In an acidic environment, K2S2O6 can transform into H2S2O8, an even stronger oxidizer.

  1. Common chemical reactions of K2S2O6

Note that K2S2O6 does not typically react with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts under normal conditions.

  1. Synthesis of K2S2O6

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of K2S2O6

K2S2O6 is usually not synthesized in the laboratory due to the complexity of the synthesis process and the need for special conditions.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of K2S2O6

In the industry, K2S2O6 is typically produced through the electrolysis process of KHSO4 solution combined with H2SO4. Specifically, KHSO4 and H2SO4 are mixed in water to form a solution, which is then electrolyzed to create K2S2O6.

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