The equation Be + H2SO4 -> BeSO4 + H2

  1. Detailed Information about the Equation Be + H2SO4 -> BeSO4 + H2

The above chemical equation represents the reaction process between the metal Beryllium (Be) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4), resulting in the compound BeSO4 and hydrogen gas (H2).

  1. Reaction Conditions

The reaction occurs with the contact between Beryllium and sulfuric acid, usually continuing under room temperature conditions. However, the reaction needs to be accelerated by certain heat to be effective. The reaction can occur faster at higher temperatures.

  1. Reaction Process

The reaction process begins when Be comes into contact with H2SO4. The Be2+ ions from Beryllium and the SO4^2- ions from sulfuric acid combine to form the compound BeSO4. During this process, hydrogen gas is also released.

  1. Phenomena Occurring

When Beryllium reacts with sulfuric acid, a bubbling phenomenon of hydrogen gas can be observed. In addition, the product BeSO4 is also generated.

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