What is K2S2O3? Important Knowledge about K2S2O3.

  1. Definition of K2S2O3

K2S2O3 is a chemical compound, also known as potassium thiosulfate. This compound consists of 2 potassium atoms, 2 sulfur atoms, and 3 oxygen atoms. The molecular weight of K2S2O3 is 158.32 grams/mol. The molecular structure of K2S2O3 includes 2 K+ ions and 1 S2O3- ion.

  1. Properties of K2S2O3

K2S2O3 is a white, odorless solid with a neutral pH. The chemical properties of K2S2O3 are demonstrated in various chemical reactions, such as reactions with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts. For example, K2S2O3 can react with strong acids like H2SO4 to produce SO2 and H2O.

  1. Chemical equation of K2S2O3

The general chemical equation of K2S2O3 with acid is:
K2S2O3 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + SO2 + H2O.

  1. Synthesis of K2S2O3

The synthesis of K2S2O3 is not too difficult. In the lab, you can synthesize K2S2O3 by reacting K2SO4 with S, producing K2S2O3 and SO2. On an industrial scale, K2S2O3 is usually produced from the reaction between potassium hydroxide and sulfur, followed by further reaction with oxygen to produce K2S2O3.

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