What is K2CrO4? Important knowledge about K2CrO4.

  1. Definition of K2CrO4:
    1.1 Names:
    1.1.1 Common name is Potassium Chromate.
    1.1.2 English name is Potassium Chromate.
    1.2. Atomic mass: The molecule K2CrO4 contains 2 potassium atoms (K), 1 chromium atom (Cr), and 4 oxygen atoms (O).
    1.3. Molecular weight: The molecular weight of Potassium Chromate is 194.19 g/mol.
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: The molecule K2CrO4 consists of 2 potassium ions (K+) and 1 chromate ion (CrO4^2-).
    1.4 Ion structure: The K+ ion has an electron configuration like helium, the CrO4^2- ion has an electron configuration like neon.

  2. Properties of K2CrO4:
    2.1 Physical properties of K2CrO4
    State: Solid at standard conditions
    Color: Yellow
    Smell: Odorless
    PH Level: Highly alkaline
    2.2 Chemical properties of K2CrO4: K2CrO4 mainly reacts with strong reducing agents to form Cr3+ of blue color or Cr2O3 of green color.

  3. Common chemical equations of K2CrO4:
    Reaction with metals: K2CrO4 does not usually react directly with metals.
    Reaction with acid: K2CrO4 reacts with strong acids to form K2SO4 and H2CrO4.
    Reaction with nonmetals: K2CrO4 can react with strong reducing agents such as H2S.
    Reaction with salts: K2CrO4 can react with ammonium salts to form NH4CrO4.

  4. Synthesis of K2CrO4:
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of K2CrO4:
    The synthesis of K2CrO4 is usually carried out by reacting KCl and CrO3 in an alkaline environment.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of K2CrO4:
    On an industrial scale, K2CrO4 is usually produced by combining CrO3 with KOH in a high-temperature environment.

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