The equation Be + CuSO4 -> BeSO4 + Cu

  1. The chemical equation Be + CuSO4 -> BeSO4 + Cudescribesthereactionprocessbetweenberyllium(Be)andcoppersulfate(CuSO4)toproduceberylliumsulfate(BeSO4)andcopper(Cu).
  2. Reaction condition: Beryllium needs to be heated in order to react with copper sulfate.
  3. Reaction process: When beryllium is heated and reacts with copper sulfate, it will replace the copper in the copper sulfate compound, creating beryllium sulfate and releasing copper.
  4. Phenomena occurrence: When the reaction occurs, the color of the solution will change from the blue of copper sulfate to the colorless of beryllium sulfate, accompanied by the appearance of red particles of copper.

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