The equation Be + 2HCl -> BeCl2 + H2

  1. Detailed information about the equation Be + 2HCl -> BeCl2 + H2:

The above chemical equation represents a chemical reaction between the metal Beryllium (Be) and hydrochloric acid (HCl), resulting in the compound BeCl2 (beryllium chloride) and hydrogen gas (H2).

  1. Reaction conditions:

This reaction takes place when Beryllium comes into contact with hydrochloric acid. It should be noted that Beryllium reacts with strong acid, so it should be carried out under controlled conditions.

  1. Reaction process:

When Beryllium comes into contact with the acid, it reacts to form beryllium chloride and hydrogen gas. This displacement occurs because Beryllium has a stronger influence on Cl- ions than H+ ions.

  1. Phenomena occurring:

During the reaction, Beryllium metal gradually dissolves in the acid solution, producing bubbles of hydrogen gas. The resulting compound, beryllium chloride, is a white solid that can precipitate to the bottom if the solution concentration is high enough.

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