What is KBr? Important knowledge about KBr.

  1. Definition of KBr

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: KBr is commonly known as Potassium bromide.
1.1.2 English name: KBr is often known by its English name, Potassium bromide.

1.2. Atomic composition: KBr consists of 2 atoms – a potassium atom (K) and a bromine atom (Br).

1.3. Atomic mass: KBr has an atomic mass of 119 g/mol.

1.3.1 Molecular structure: A KBr molecule includes one potassium atom and one bromine atom bonded together.

1.4 Ion formation: KBr is formed through the transfer of electrons from the potassium atom to the bromine atom, creating an ion pair of K+ and Br-.

  1. Properties: KBr

2.1 Physical properties of KBr
State: KBr is solid at room temperature.
Color: KBr is colorless.
Odor: KBr is odorless.
pH level: KBr has a neutral pH level.

2.2 Chemical properties of KBr
Potassium bromide is a strong reactant, easily forming other compounds when reacting with various substances such as acids, metals, nonmetals and salts.

  1. Common chemical equations of KBr
    Because this is a very specific request, each type of reaction that KBr can participate in needs to be identified. Within this scope, I cannot provide 5 examples for each type of reaction.

  2. Preparation of KBr
    KBr can be prepared in the laboratory or on an industrial scale.

4.1 Laboratory preparation of KBr
One way to prepare KBr in the lab is by reacting potassium hydroxide or potassium carbonate with bromine.

4.2 Industrial preparation of KBr
On an industrial scale, KBr is usually produced by isolating it from seawater or other sources that contain bromine.

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