What is KNO3? Important knowledge about KNO3.

  1. Definition of KNO3:

1.1 Names:
KNO3 is known as Nitrat kali in Vietnamese and Potassium nitrate in English.

1.2 Atomic composition:
KNO3 consists of three types of atoms: potassium (K), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O).

1.3 Atomic mass:
Potassium (K) has an atomic mass of 39, Nitrogen (N) has an atomic mass of 14, and Oxygen (O) has an atomic mass of 16.

1.4 Ion structure:
KNO3 has an ion structure of the complex ion type, in which potassium (K) forms the K+ ion and nitrate (NO3) forms the NO3- ion.

  1. Properties of KNO3:

2.1 Physical properties of KNO3:
KNO3 is solid, colorless, odorless, and has a neutral PH.

2.2 Chemical properties of KNO3:
KNO3 has the ability to thermally decompose into KNO2 and O2. It can also react with strong acids to produce other potassium salts.

  1. Common chemical equations of KNO3:

Metal reaction: KNO3 does not usually react with metals.

Acid reaction: KNO3 can react with hydrochloric acid to form potassium chloride and nitric acid.

Non-metal reaction: KNO3 does not usually react with non-metals.

Reaction with salts: KNO3 can react with sodium chloride to form potassium chloride and sodium nitrate.

  1. Preparation of KNO3:

4.1 Laboratory preparation of KNO3:
KNO3 can be prepared in the lab by heating potassium chloride with nitric acid.

4.2 Industrial preparation of KNO3:
On an industrial scale, KNO3 is typically produced by dissolving sodium nitrate in water, then adding potassium chloride to the solution. KNO3 precipitates out and is collected through the evaporation process.

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