What is Na2S2O4? Important knowledge about Na2S2O4.

  1. Definition of Na2S2O4

Na2S2O4, commonly known as Sodium Hydrosulfite or Sodium Dithionite. It is a chemical compound consisting of two sodium atoms, two sulfur atoms, and four oxygen atoms, with a total molecular weight of 174.107 g/mol. Its molecule is constructed from two Na+ ions and one S2O42- ion.

  1. Properties of Na2S2O4

2.1 Physical properties: Na2S2O4 is a solid, forming colorless crystals, odorless and having a neutral PH state.

2.2 Chemical properties: Na2S2O4 is very easily reduced in air, especially under high temperature and humidity conditions. It reacts with strong acids to produce SO2 and with water to produce sodium sulfide, hydrogen sulfide and SO2.

  1. Common Chemical Equations:

Reaction with strong acid: 2Na2S2O4 + H2SO4 -> 2Na2SO4 + 2SO2 + 2H2O

Reaction with water: 2Na2S2O4 + H2O -> Na2SO4 + Na2S + SO2 + 2H2O

  1. Synthesis of Na2S2O4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis: Na2S2O4 is not commonly synthesized in the laboratory due to its instability and flammability.

4.2 Industrial synthesis: Na2S2O4 is produced from sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3) and zinc, according to the reaction: 2NaHSO3 + Zn -> Na2S2O4 + Zn(OH)2.

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