What is Na3H(SO3)2? Important knowledge about Na3H(SO3)2.

Na3H(SO3)2 is a complex chemical molecule, also known as sodium hydrosulfite, a salt of sodium and hydrosulfite acid. In foreign languages, it is called “Sodium bisulfite” or “Sodium hydrogen sulfite”. This molecule consists of 3 sodium atoms, 1 hydrogen atom, and 2 sulfite atoms. Its atomic mass is 174.11 g/mol. The ion structure of Na3H(SO3)2 … Read more

What is Na2B4O7? Important knowledge about Na2B4O7.

1.1 Na2B4O7, commonly known as borax, is English for Sodium borate. Borax is a salt form of borate acid, with a molecular structure consisting of 2 sodium atoms, 4 boron atoms, and 7 oxygen atoms. The atomic mass of borax is 201.22 g/mol. In ion structure, borax forms sodium ions (Na+) and borate ions (B4O7^2-). … Read more

The equation Li2O + SO2 -> Li2SO3

Detailed information about the equation: This is a chemical equation that describes the reaction process between lithium oxide (Li2O) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) to form lithium thiosulfate (Li2SO3). The balanced equation: 2Li2O + 2SO2 -> 2Li2SO3. Reaction conditions: This reaction occurs at high temperatures. Reaction process: During the reaction process, lithium oxide (Li2O) will react … Read more

What is Na3PO2? Important knowledge about Na3PO2.

Definition of Na3PO2: Na3PO2 is the chemical formula of sodium phosphite, a salt of sodium and phosphonous acid. It is also known by other names such as sodium phosphonite or sodium hypophosphite. In English, we call this substance Sodium phosphite. The molar mass of Na3PO2 is 104.9444 g/mol. Its molecule consists of 3 sodium atoms, … Read more

The equation Na2O + SO2 -> Na2SO3

Detailed information about the equation Na2O + SO2 -> Na2SO3 This equation represents the chemical reaction between sodium oxide (Na2O) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) to form sodium sulfite (Na2SO3). All of these substances are important chemical compounds. Reaction conditions Basically, this reaction requires appropriate temperature and pressure to occur. However, the details about specific conditions … Read more

What is Na4Fe(CN)6? Important knowledge about Na4Fe(CN)6.

Definition of Na4Fe(CN)6 Na4Fe(CN)6, also known as Iron(II) Ferrocyanide or Sodium ferrocyanide in English. A molecule of Na4Fe(CN)6 consists of 4 sodium (Na) atoms, 1 iron (Fe) atom, and 6 -CN groups. The molar mass of Na4Fe(CN)6 is 303.9105 g/mol. This molecule has an octahedral geometric structure, with iron (Fe) at the center, connected to … Read more

The chemical equation K2O + SO2 -> K2SO3

Detailed information about the K2O + SO2 -> K2SO3 equation The above chemical equation represents the reaction between K2O (Potassium Oxide) and SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) to form K2SO3 (Potassium Sulphite). In this equation, 1 mol of K2O reacts with 1 mol of SO2 to form 1 mol of K2SO3. Reaction conditions The conditions of this … Read more

What is Na2HPO3? Important knowledge about Na2HPO3.

Definition of Na2HPO3 1.1 Names 1.1.1 Common name: Sodium phosphite 1.1.2 English name: Sodium phosphite 1.2 Atomic Composition: Consists of 2 Sodium atoms, 1 Phosphorus atom and 3 Oxygen atoms. 1.3 Atomic mass: The total mass of all atoms in a Na2HPO3 molecule is 133.953 g/mol. 1.3.1 Molecular structure: The Na2HPO3 molecule consists of 2 … Read more

The equation Li2O + H2O -> 2LiOH

Detailed information about the equation Li2O + H2O -> 2LiOH: Li2O is the chemical formula for lithium oxide, a white solid that is produced when lithium reacts with oxygen. H2O is the chemical formula for water. 2LiOH is the chemical formula for lithium hydroxide, a white solid with strong alkaline properties. Reaction conditions: This reaction … Read more

What is Na2MoO4? Important knowledge about Na2MoO4.

Definition of Na2MoO4: Na2MoO4, also known as sodium molybdate, is a white, odorless solid. It is a salt of sodium and molybdic acid. The English name of this substance is Sodium Molybdate. In the Na2MoO4 molecule, there are 2 sodium atoms, 1 molybdenum atom, and 4 oxygen atoms. The atomic mass of Na2MoO4 is 205.92 … Read more